Varda Space Industries, announced the successful launch of its second orbital processing and reentry capsule, W-2, which lifted off aboard the Transporter-12 rideshare mission...
The U.S. Navy awarded BAE Systems an $85 million production contract to deliver additional Network Tactical Common Data Link (NTCDL) systems. NTCDL will enable a real-time exchange...
Jumpmind Inc., a trailblazer in retail technology solutions, unveiled the Jumpmind Cloud, a dynamic deployment option that provides retailers with a streamlined and efficient...
Mercedes-Benz and Google Cloud have expanded their strategic alliance, bringing groundbreaking conversational features to the MBUX Virtual Assistant. Powered by Google Cloud's innovative Automotive...
Honeywell has announced a strategic collaboration with Verizon to deliver a seamless, integrated technology solution for retail and logistics companies. This innovative bundled offering...