STRADVISION, an automotive industry pioneer in deep learning-based vision perception technology, proudly announces the appointment of Philip Vidal as its new Chief Business Officer (CBO). In...
myKaarma, the leading customer interaction management solution for fixed operations and Logitrac, the most innovative fleet management providers, announced powerful integration touchpoints to once...
ClickShop 2.0 combines the award-winning customer satisfaction of MMNA's dealer-partner network with powerful digital AutoFi solutions and the financing power of Santander Consumer USA. This...
DAS Technology, automotive’s leading consumer engagement technology company with the industry’s first next-level Consumer Data and Experience Platform (CDXP), unveiled its new software-as-a-service (SaaS)...
Cox Automotive announces the enhancement of the Dealertrack Compliance solution through the addition of a new Synthetic ID fraud indicator, which will help protect dealers against fraudulent...