Thursday, December 19, 2024

“Everyday Japan Expo” Melo Became Brand New Sterilized Retail Shop in Singapore.

During Post-Covid regime in Singapore, with Innovation & Technology from Japan, now Melo, managed by Global Partners Consulting Group (HQ: Singapore; Managing Director: Zenta Nishida), is introducing the brand-new sterilized retail shop in Singapore to ensure its customers and staff can visit and work at the shop with level of comfort.

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“Even with strong government supports in Singapore to contain & improve COVID era, I believe there is something commercial side can contribute to get our economy back to pre-COVID era. By our collaboration with Japan Trust Chemical Co., Ltd, our retail shop now become fully sterilized shop for our dear customers and hard-working shop staff. My top priority is always safety of my staff and I hope other business owners feel the same to set higher standard in Singapore together.“

Proven technology from Japan, provided by Japan Trust Chemical Co., Ltd (HQ: Tokyo, CEO: Hidemi Kawanobe) shows outstanding results “once mist touched, it shows results of No germ or virus within 15 seconds through 3 minutes.”

With Motto “Harmony in Human & Environment”, the company has been providing new Health Management System and Technology with Eco-friendly. The core products (TR+ Series) allow to disinfect harmful microorganism in the air with very strong removal power, at the same time to remove unpleasant odor from its surroundings. The company’s top priority is safety & well living. The product is proven safe to all generations as well as our earth by returning to water after its use.

GPC Group is a consulting firm specialized in assisting Japanese companies to expand its business in Asia with our office in Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Cambodia. GPC Group unique services range from “Sell-side” M&A Financial Advisory (Only one among Japanese firms in SG), “Full-outsource” Accounting Dept Service, Expo-Style Retail Shop” Melo!” and No.1 SG Employment Pass Consulting Service by its solution-driven consulting team.

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