Sunday, February 23, 2025

Almirall Joins Facilitate, a Patient-Driven IMI Project to Enable the Use of Clinical Trial Data by Study Participants

Almirall, S.A. (ALM), a global biopharmaceutical company focused on skin health, announced that it is participating in FACILITATE, (FrAmework for ClInicaL trIal participants’ daTA reutilization for a fully Transparent and Ethical ecosystem) a patient-driven Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) project aimed to create a framework for access and reutilization of clinical trial participant data for a fully compliant and ethical ecosystem. FACILITATE main objective is to help return the clinical trial data to the study participants, ready for reuse in either further research or in healthcare practice, improving the current situation where clinical data are isolated in separate repositories and cannot be used outside the clinical trial.

“Transform the patients’ world by helping them realize their hopes and dreams for a healthy life”

Almirall’s main contribution focuses on providing expertise in privacy and pharmaceutical law issues, as well as in developing guidance, standards, and recommendations for the return of clinical trial data to patients. In addition, the company also contributes with its expertise in the specification of clinical trial use cases, stakeholder requirements, and the development of end-user tools.

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Facilitate is based on a patient-centred, data-driven technology platform with 27 partners from 17 EU and non-EU Member States. Participants include patient associations, hospitals, universities, innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, and members of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), and with the Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia as project coordinator. The project, which was approved by the IMI Joint Undertaking (European Commission and EFPIA) in 2021, has been launched this year together with the FACILITATE website.

“The launch of FACILITATE further advances patient empowerment in clinical trials. At Almirall, we are excited to contribute to this patient-driven IMI project with our solid experience in clinical trials and our commitment to ethics and transparency. This project is fully aligned with our patient-centricity strategy aimed at improving their quality of life,” stated Diego Herrera, Almirall’s FACILITATE Project Leader.

SOURCE: Businesswire

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