Saturday, March 29, 2025

Fuel Retailers, Truckstops Urge U.S. DOT to Encourage Private Investment

NATSO, representing truckstops and travel centers, along with SIGMA: America’s Leading Fuel Marketers and the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS), urged the U.S. Department of Transportation to incentivize the nation’s existing refueling locations to incorporate EV charging into their suite of fueling options as it implements the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula grant program.

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The organizations representing more than 150,000 refueling locations nationwide urged the Department of Transportation to implement the NEVI grant program in a manner that does not simply invest public funds but drives policies that will positively shape the future of vehicle fast-charging markets. If federal investments are made without any effort to drive necessary policy and market reforms, or with unnecessary strings attached, the NEVI grant program will result in charging stations being placed in undesirable locations, limiting consumer interest in purchasing EVs and minimizing private companies’ desire to invest in charging stations, NATSO, NACS and SIGMA said in comments filed with the U.S. DOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

“Retail fuel companies are capable of single-handedly eliminating range anxiety,” said NATSO Executive Vice President of Government Affairs David Fialkov. “All they need is a level playing field and an opportunity to generate a modest return. EV charging availability at existing retail fuel locations will mean drivers do not need to change their refueling habits if they choose not to. They can refuel on-the-go with the same safe, reliable service and amenities that they enjoy today.”

“Bringing private investment to EV charging will lead to more of the infrastructure that drivers need,” said NACS General Counsel Doug Kantor. “To do that, the NEVI Program should move the country toward a competitive EV charging market with a multitude of retail businesses in all parts of the country having the opportunity to invest and earn a profit. Encouraging private investment will mean state-of-the-art chargers in convenient locations with competitive low prices alongside the types of amenities that drivers have come to expect while they refuel.”

“If NEVI investments are made without any effort to drive necessary policy and market reforms, the program will result in charging stations being placed in undesirable locations and likely operated by site hosts with limited incentive to provide consumers with a positive charging experience,” said SIGMA Chairman of the Board Richard Guttman. “This ultimately will dampen consumer interest in purchasing EVs as well as charging station innovation.”

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