Agritech pioneer, Greeneye Technology, announces the commercial launch of its unique AI-enabled precision spraying technology. Marking a major milestone in its mission to significantly...
The Yara Birkeland, the world's first autonomous and fully electric container ship, will soon commence commercial operations while beginning a two-year test period, prior...
Psilera Inc. (“Psilera”), a Florida-based biotechnology company developing non-hallucinogenic derivatives of psychedelic compounds and outpatient delivery methods for the treatment of anxiety, substance abuse,...
Over 20 years ago, Universal Chemical Technologies, later known as UCT Coatings, developed an advanced, proprietary formulation of nickel boron to be applied as...
Oteemo, Inc., a leading enterprise DevSecOps and cloud native transformation consultancy, announced that it has been awarded a 33-month DevSecOps Services Contract and Task...