In a groundbreaking collaboration, ForwardX Robotics, a global leader in vision-based Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) technology, has joined forces with POLA ORBIS, a prestigious Japanese...
Legit Security, a cyber security company with an enterprise Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) platform for secure application delivery and software supply chain security,...
Mobilyze Pro introduces an AI prediction algorithm to enable EV charging site hosts to optimize charger deployments for maximum utilization and profitability
FreeWire Technologies, the...
At their fourth annual Works With Developers Conference, Silicon Labs announced their next-generation Series 3 platform, purpose-built for embedded IoT devices. With a move to the 22...
The biggest changes to home energy systems in decades are underway as whole-home electrification and solar-plus-storage systems enter the mainstream. Intelligent power management company...