Oteemo, Inc., a leading enterprise DevSecOps and cloud native transformation consultancy, announced that it has been awarded a 33-month DevSecOps Services Contract and Task...
Torch.AI the leader in artificial intelligence (AI) powered ultra-high speed data processing, announced the acquisition of The DataTech Group (DataTech), a technology solutions provider...
cnvrg.io, the operating system for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) built by data scientists, announced that Habana's Gaudi AI Accelerator is available...
Forsta, a leading Customer Experience and Research Technology company, announced a global partnership with Phebi.AI, an innovative voice technology company. This new partnership enables...
Biospectal, the remote patient monitoring and biosensing software company, announced plans to debut Biodisc™, a stand-alone, sleekly-designed, all-in-one, blood pressure monitoring device at CES...