Monday, March 31, 2025
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Informaion technology

Broadcom Acquires AppNeta to Bolster Network Performance Monitoring Across Internet and Hybrid Cloud-based Applications

Broadcom Inc. announced its intent to acquire privately held AppNeta Inc. headquartered in Boston, MA. AppNeta is a leading SaaS-based network performance monitoring solution...

Fourth generation Memory Development Platform software enables design productivity of embedded SRAM designers in Advanced process nodes

Spectral Design & Test Inc. (SDT) announced that their latest software platform to design and develop embedded memories in ASIC was successfully deployed by...

Codeplay Software partners with Andes Technology to achieve Software First SoC Design for AI-based applications using RISC-V Vector Processors

Codeplay Software, the industry leader and pioneer in Open-Standard software tools and services for artificial intelligence, machine-learning, and high-performance computing announced support for Andes...

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