Monday, June 17, 2024

Search Results

Southwest Airlines Now Available on KAYAK for Business

KAYAK for Business, KAYAK's free corporate travel solution has integrated Southwest Airlines® into its platform making the process of booking a business trip and...

Hexa Partners with Microsoft and Leverages Solutions from Snap Inc. to Bring 3D “Try and Buy” to Retail

Hexa, one of the world’s fastest growing 3D visualization platforms, unveils new shopping experiences it has built using tools from Microsoft and Snap Inc....

Fujirebio Europe Launches the RoboBlot™ Instrument, a Fully Automated Solution for INNO-LIA® Score Assays

Fujirebio Europe announced the commercial launch of the RoboBlot instrument, a closed system for the automated processing of the widely used INNO-LIA Score assays....

CIS Secure Announces TSG Certified Cisco DX80

CIS Secure, the world leader in secure collaboration solutions, today announced the industry's first TSG-certified Video Telepresence Conferencing (VTC) platform, based on Cisco's Webex...

Mycronic receives order for an SLX mask writer

Mycronic AB (publ) has received an order for an SLX mask writer from a new customer in Asia. The order value is in the...

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